Posts Tagged ‘Knowledge Management’

12 January: Community Discussion by HURIDOCS on Managing human rights contacts

January 9, 2017


huridocs-signature-logoFrom mobilizing supporters, to organizing interviews, to fundraising, to persuading decision-makers, relationships are at the heart of human rights work. This is why it’s so important to have a system to document and manage these relationships. There are many Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) systems out there to help manage this information, but human rights groups often require additional attention to security, sustainability, and other custom features. So what CRM systems are human rights groups using today? What’s working well, and what are the challenges?

This HURIDOCS community discussion is an opportunity for CRM users, developers and advocates to share their experiences, knowledge and advice on contact management. A summary of the discussion will be written and shared on the HURIDOCS website.

When: 12 January 2017 at 4pm GMT
Where: Watch the webinar below from the embedded Hangout On Air, and participate via Twitter.
Who: open to anyone who wants to learn more about managing human rights contacts
So far, HURIDOCS has recruited human rights practitioners to present on their experiences using:

Civi (a CiviCRM distribution)

If you have CRM experience you want to share, please contact:! To ask questions or make comments, use the #HURIDOCS hashtag on Twitter:

Source: Community Discussion: Managing human rights contacts | HURIDOCS

Protection International: 3rd online course Security and Protection Management for Human Rights Defenders

June 3, 2014

Protection Int'I_logo_final_vertical_72dpiBrussels-based NGO Protection International will be running the third edition of its online course “Security and Protection Management for Human Rights Defenders and Social Organisations”. The course will be in English, French and Spanish, in the period 14 July 2014 – 5 October 2014. For more information:

Leading and Managing Effective Human Rights Organisations: learn on-line

April 4, 2014

How can human rights defenders lead and manage human rights organisations well? How can human rights defenders practice rights-based approaches and principles in their workplace? What key issues do human rights defenders face when working in organisations? These are the questions that inspired the Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York, United Kingdom, to run a 10-week course from 23 April to 1 July 2014. This module is aimed at human rights defenders and practitioners interested in leading and managing organisations more effectively.

This course is part of CAHR’s Defending Human Rights distance learning programme delivered wholly online in a fully supported environment. Students can take one, two or three modules as a continuing professional development (CPD) student, without academic credit, or complete all three modules as a postgraduate student, with academic credit. Postgraduate students who complete all three credit-bearing modules are awarded a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) in Defending Human Rights.

Partial scholarships (50 percent of fees) are available for both types of students in non-OECD countries who are:

  • actively involved in human rights work; and
  • either hold a leadership position in a civil society organisation or demonstrate strong potential for such leadership.

For more information, including on the application process, see: or contact Dr Alice Nah (alice.nah[at]


Reminder: online conversation on Visualizing Information for Advocacy starts today

November 11, 2013

Tactical Technology Collective and the New Tactics community start their on-line conversation on Visualizing Information for Advocacy  as from today November 11, until 15 NovemberPeople around the world are using digital tools and visualization techniques to expose injustice and abuse, creating narratives to challenge the status quo and mobilizing for action. In the words of the organisers:  Read the rest of this entry »