On-line training course for better protection of human rights defenders

April 9, 2016

With this short video clip, the Brussels-based NGO Protection International announces that one can now register for the online course “Security and protection management for human rights defenders and social organisations”mainly addressed to NGOs, social organizations and persons interested in the security work for HRD, their organizations and/or communities. The main aim is for human rights defenders to develop various skills, capacities and strategies to allow them to improve the level of security and protection, both for themselves and also for the people they work with.Protection Int'I_logo_final_vertical_72dpi


DATES: 2 MAY 2016 until 24 JULY 2016
Duration: 60 hours over  12 weeks (approximately 5 hours per week)
Online Distance learning course (using Moodle)
Hosted by PI training staff (protection experts with extensive training experience in many countries).
Registration deadline: 18 April 2016 

(If you are unable to attend this session, the next training in 2016 will take place in September- December).

For more information contact Ángela Díaz (administrator): e-learninATprotectioninternational.org

Source: UPDATE: Online course for human rights defenders – Protection InternationalProtection International

For more posts on trading courses: https://thoolen.wordpress.com/tag/training-course/

One Response to “On-line training course for better protection of human rights defenders”

  1. […] For last year’s: https://humanrightsdefenders.blog/2016/04/09/on-line-training-course-for-better-protection-of-human-… […]

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