Posts Tagged ‘Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival’

5th Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival in October 2023

October 12, 2023
Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival marks 5th anniversary
Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival marks 5th anniversary

Dublin’s only annual festival dedicated to celebrating the intersection of the arts and human rights marks its fifth anniversary this year as it hosts 10 days of events in the capital, around Ireland and online this October.

Dozens of events promoting equality, human rights and diversity through the arts will be coming to Dublin between October 13 and October 22. Front Line Defenders’ Laura O’Leary said the festival will feature “a range of innovative and thought-provoking events exploring how art and human rights interact in our world today“.

by Taboola

The Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival is an annual, international festival organised by Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality and Front Line Defenders, a Dublin-based international organisation working to improve the security and protection of human rights defenders at risk, in partnership with Amnesty International, National Women’s Council of Ireland, as well as other arts and human rights partners.

It takes place in Dublin, Kerry, Donegal, and Cork, with artists and speakers in attendance from multiple countries. Events are taking place across 17 different venues, involving 29 different organisations nationwide.

The festival comprises 21 live performances, six exhibitions, nine talks or panel discussions, four installations, three workshops, three film screenings, two partner exchanges, one podcast, and one radio documentary. Some of the events include: