OSCE leaders speak the right language about HRDs

October 3, 2023

Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, Opening Plenary. 2 October 2023. (OSCE/Piotr Dziubak)

On 2 October 2023 the main message from OSCE leaders at the opening of the ten-day Warsaw Human Dimension Conference was that “at the heart of any human rights movement is the fundamental belief that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, possesses inherent rights and dignity.”

The OSCE’s work to achieve sustainable security throughout the 57 states of the region is only possible on the basis of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, and in co-operation with civil society. But the work of civil society activists, whose determination to shed light on human rights abuses is so important for their societies to develop and flourish, is becoming more dangerous in the many places in which they are treated not as partners but as a political and security risk.

“The brave work of civil society activists and human rights defenders lies at the very heart of our democracies,” said ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci. “At the OSCE we are deeply grateful for their courageous work, especially in fragile humanitarian situations resulting from conflicts across our region. We continue to learn from their experience, and we look forward to hearing proposals to improve respect for human rights, as well as their ideas for a better future. In this way, we create a unique platform for genuine dialogue between national authorities and civil society across the entire region.”

In every region of the OSCE I have heard civil society views on how to respond to the challenges we face. Your views have helped to inform our approach in Vienna, and to guide the work of our field missions. All of our work in the Secretariat and field missions is done based on a human rights centred approach, and the OSCE is committed to working with civil society every step of the way as we advance our efforts in the human dimension. The human dimension is fundamental to the OSCE comprehensive concept of security,” OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid said.

“Media freedom is deeply rooted in the concept and principles of democracy. It is what enables and sustains democratic societies – by providing people with the information they need to be free and self-determined. Quality information and a shared sense of reality are a prerequisite for all citizens to be able to express their will and positions, to take control of their lives, to be part of the glue that holds our societies together. There can be no democracy without media freedom, as much as there can be no security without media freedom,” said Teresa Ribeiro, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.

The full programme and other information about the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference are available here.


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